We provide professional locksmith service for all your needs. We can definitely consult you with professional design, installation and any key system maintainance. Browse through our product list and find some more information.

We are professional locksmiths , we can consult you with a design, install and maintain the master key system to suit your everyday security needs.
We can provide you with a customized restricted keyway system that may be as simple as two locks that use the same key (key alike). Or create a complex master keying system that allows sophisticated key control throughout entire buildings such as offices and factories, covering all types of locks including door locks, padlocks, cupboard locks and locks for cabinets and drawers.
Restricted Security Keys

Keyed to Differ
Each lock can only be opened by its own individual key.

Keyed Alike
Allows for a number of locks to be opened by the same key. There is no limit to the number of locks that can be keyed alike.

Maison Keyed System
Often used in apartments. Each apartment has its own key which will not operate the doors to another apartment but will operate the locks to communal doors.

Master Keyed System
Each lock has its own individual key which will operate no other lock in the system. There is a master key which will operate all locks in the system.

Grand Master Keyed System
Each lock has an individual key and the locks are divided into two or more groups. Each group of locks is operated by one Master Key with an overall Grand Master Key.

Temporary Construction Keying
Locks are keyed alike for the builders convenience and security for the owners. When the building is completed the construction cylinders are removed and final cylinders installed.