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Avoid Security Breach by Installing Reliable Locking SystemsMarch 8, 2017

A home is one’s castle – a safe place, and it should be a place where a person feels safe. Protecting your family by securing your home is top priority, and there are a few ways you can do that. Not only are quality doors and windows important for preventing forced entry, but proven, reliable locking systems is what really prevents unwanted entry by intruders.

Not only residential properties can avoid security breaches, but so can commercial buildings and businesses too, by installing reliable locking systems. To help residential and commercial property owners to protect their families and buildings from harm and burglary, here are some reliable locking systems that can be installed to avoid security breach.

Installing reliable locking systems help to avoid security breaches, which is why technological advancements in the locksmithing industry are constantly being introduced, however, most people do not know about the latest locking systems available to make the best security choices for their properties.

Smart Lock Technology, Keyless Entry and Card Access Systems

Smart locks are the newest secure type of locking mechanisms to come out, these include electrical locks that are controlled using an app from a smartphone or tablet. These simply work by using an app to send a security code that unlocks the mechanism and eliminates the need for a physical key. These types of locks can also use a physical keying system, or even push button numbers to open them.

Other new locking systems available include keyless entry and card access systems, which also effectively eliminates the need to use physical keys to open locks. Very similar to smart locks, keyless locks and card access systems have been around for a few years and are used frequently in resorts, gym lockers, home entry gates and doors, and even in automobiles.

While smart locks, keyless entry locking systems, and card access systems are reliable, and very effective at avoiding breach entry, when security codes do not function or cards become lost, professional locksmiths who are up-to-date with modern locking systems are still needed to open them. That is why locksmith companies are continually training and educating their locksmiths with the latest technologies, even before these are available to the public.

If you want to avoid breach entry of your home, office, or automobile, then consult professional locksmiths that are up-to-date with the latest locking systems, such as Altona Locksmiths.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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