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FAQ: When Do I Need Transponder Key Programming Services?December 9, 2019

The transponder key programming services is a form of vehicle security for which a code is sent to mobilise a car’s engine system. It contains a microchip designed to send a code to an immobilizer fitted to the ignition of the car for which the key is made. If the immobilizer does not receive the correct code from the key, it will not be possible to start the car’s engine. To put it simply, transponder keys and the immobilizers are paired to provide an added level of security for modern vehicle owners. This vehicle security ensures that even if someone is able to make a simple copy of a transponder key, they cannot do very much with it. They need the code sent by the microchip inside the key to mobilise the engine. Below are the circumstances that make it necessary to own a transponder key programming services.

Reducing Car Theft

With the Transponder key programming services, the issue of car theft is drastically reduced. There is no way a criminal will have access to your car unless the transponder key is made available. Even if the criminal succeeds in using a master key to gain access into the car, there’s no way he can start and move the car.  The programmed transponder key must be made available before the car can start.  Only the car owner has access to the transponder key and he or she is the only person that can start or move the vehicle.

Personalised Locking System

Since the transponder key programming services usually has a microchip on its interior section, it allows a personalised security. The said microchip has a serial number that is only peculiar to the key. In most cases, the serial number is validated when the electronic engine control unit sends a request to the car for the recognition of the number.  If the vehicle fails to recognise the serial number, there’s no way it will start.

Remote Operation

Another clear use of transponder key programming services is that they allow users to remotely access their vehicles. There are a number of reasons why remote operation is beneficial, including central lock capabilities and the panic button, which allows you to locate your car with very little effort. Central locking allows you to lock every door in your vehicle with the touch of one button. If your car has an alarm, it will most likely also be armed when you take advantage of your central locking capabilities.

If you avail the transponder key programming services from Altona Locksmiths, we will provide you with the mobile services, rekeying of barrels, opening of all types of vehicles and machineries even from early models to most recent ones, removal of steering wheel locks and ignition, and an on-site or workshop services.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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