The Automotive Locksmith is available in the workshop Mon-Fri, between 8am-10am only.


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ignition December 8, 2016

Ignition Problems and When to Call for a Locksmith

Automobiles today are more advanced than ever before, and when complex equipment malfunctions, breaks down and stop working, professional help is needed. Auto ignitions are complex mechanisms that are vital in the operating of vehicles, when these have problems vehicles usual can’t start or operate correctly.
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factory December 5, 2016

The Importance of Master Key System in Factories

Commercial security is more complex than the needs of residential properties, especially for large factories such as manufacturing facilities that have many working spaces, rooms, and restricted areas that require regulating access to certain personnel.
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locked house November 17, 2016

Avoid the Common Hassle of Being Locked Out of Your Home

Getting locked out of the house is nothing new, many people have done it – lost their house keys and found themselves on the outside of the front door looking to get in. It’s not uncommon to be in a hurry, only to realise when the front door slams shut behind you that the keys of the house were left inside.
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keyless November 8, 2016

When Your Keyless Entry Suddenly Stopped Working

Today’s cars and trucks utilise the latest technologies to increase vehicle performance, personal comfort, and security. One such technology that is becoming a standard feature with new vehicles is the keyless entry lock. Gone are the days of fumbling in the dark to find your car keys, and then trying to stick the key into the door lock to open it, now, you only need to press a button to unlock and lock the doors of your vehicle. It’s that easy.
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door October 25, 2016

Securing Locks and Keys in Offices and Corporate Environment

If you are a manager of an office, whether it is a small or large office, then you understand how important securing locks and keys are. This is true also in a corporate environment where accountability is expected, especially in regards to the security of property and the safety of employees.
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lock October 10, 2016

Locksmithing Techniques: A Few Tips That Make Tasks Faster and Easier

Locksmiths like to view their trade as a ‘calling’; a calling that involves literally every aspects of peoples’ lives. Residential locksmithing, commercial locksmithing, industrial locksmithing, automotive locksmithing, and the locksmithing needs of government have locksmiths very busy, especially for locksmith companies that offer 24 hour emergency services.
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lock September 26, 2016

Affordable Locksmith Services from Altona Locksmiths

There is never a good time to lose car keys, or to be locked out of your home by mistake. With all of the modern locking mechanisms available today that either need a special key or pass-code, being prepared to deal with the worst case scenario just makes sense, and in such situations a professional locksmith can be your best friend.
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lock September 14, 2016

DIY Disasters and Disadvantages in Lockmithing: Why Do You Need The Experts?

An expert locksmithing service acts as a reliable safety net, of a kind, a fast-acting entrance solution that saves the day when you're locked out of your home, office, or car. That's the bedrock peace of mind that comes from a time-honoured service, one trained in every aspect of what's considered a security-oriented profession.
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lock August 23, 2016

What Should You Expect From a Professional Locksmith Company?

At one time or another in your life, chances are that you will need help from a professional locksmith company. Today, companies in this business niche install and rekey locks, provide new keys or key management systems, and emergency services to ensure that you can access your business, home or vehicle when necessary.
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latest August 9, 2016

Technological Changes That Affect the Locksmith Industry

Literally, everyday, technological advancements are being used in ways that affect every industry and everyone’s life, in many ways both good and bad. However, technological changes that affect the locksmith industry are having huge positive impacts, which is ultimately keeping people and their properties safer.
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locksmith July 29, 2016

Lock Masters: Factors to Consider in Becoming a Good Locksmith

There are many reasons why people desire to become lock masters, but those who do go on to become good locksmiths have certain qualities that are conducive to success in the business. Basically, they care about people and enjoy helping them in vital ways, such as providing the best locksmithing services possible.
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sliding July 13, 2016

Securing Sliding Doors in Your Home with the Help of Altona Locksmiths

Security and protection are the main priorities of home-owners, business owners, and even vehicle owners, to protect their properties from being broken into or being stolen. Basically, all entry doors should have quality locks installed, especially back doors like sliding doors.
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cylinder June 29, 2016

Functions of High Security Restricted Cylinders and Keys

When we install high security restricted cylinders and keys, we're creating an end-to-end safety measure, one that can't be circumvented by a wily intruder. The mechanism is as sturdy and quality-assured as any contemporary locking mechanism, but the installation process goes the extra mile by delivering a template that can't be copied by the general public.
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locker June 8, 2016

Security Should Not Be Breached With a Trustworthy Commercial Locksmith

Finding a trustworthy commercial locksmith is vital in protecting businesses of all types from being breached by thieves, in fact, a business is at risk every second that it is not fully protected.
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locker May 31, 2016

How Do Master Keys Work?

Have you ever wondered how master keys work? It has the amazing ability of being able to open more than one lock while there are several other different keys for individual locks.
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lock May 16, 2016

What Is Broken Lock Extraction?

Broken keys and locks pose a huge challenge, especially when the part of the key breaks off inside the lock. This can not only damage the lock, but it also makes it useless until the broken piece can be removed and the lock repaired.
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key April 29, 2016

When Do You Need Car Key Reprogramming?

Do you remember those days – not so many years ago when car keys were steel forged, and their teeth would lose its edge from wear after years of use? Well, when that happened, it was often difficult to get them to work all.
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key April 15, 2016

Scope of Commercial Business Key System

Scope is the secret ingredient that keeps a locksmith busy, 24-hours a day, seven days a week, and all through the year, including the big holidays. Imagine a big commercial establishment. New owners take over these businesses all the time.
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master key March 30, 2016

Master Key Your Locks: Why Is This Important?

When you own a small business or home, it may not be necessary to worry about the keying of the cylindrical locks throughout the structure since it only contains one or two doors.
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car key March 8, 2016

Locksmith Services: What is Car Key Programming?

In the old days, starting a vehicle's engine was easy, all that was needed was for you to simply place the key into the ignition, turn it, and then the starter would immediately jump-start your vehicle to life. Those were the simple days, when cars were very simple, not so today.
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gold knob February 29, 2016

Residential Locksmith Services That You Can Rely On

The safest place for anyone should be in the home, but many people don't feel as 'safe' as they could inside their homes. Why is that? Well, for example, older homes with dated locks can provide little resistance to experienced burglars, as locking mechanisms have changed a lot in recent years.
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yellow house February 9, 2016

The Need for Locksmith Services in Securing Your Properties

If you are a homeowner, then you surely want to ensure the overall safety of your household, inside and out. While the world isn’t as ‘wild’ as it used to be, back in the old days, there are still alarming cases of crimes that are often perpetuated by break-ins or burglary, this is especially true in urban areas where there is a larger population.
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door lock January 28, 2016

The Ever Changing Technology in Locksmithing and Security

Time has change many things, each new century has brought with it many wonderful technological inventions that have changed humans lives in countless untold ways. However, one invention has remained nearly unchanged over thousands of years, the simple lock.
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door lock January 13, 2016

Commercial Locksmiths: Professionalism and Technology Combined To Help Your Business

When it comes to ensuring the safety and security of any business, without a doubt, locks are always one of the main lines of defence. Locks have been around since time immemorial – ever since the earliest societies found it necessary to keep secreted or safe any item of note or value.
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