The Automotive Locksmith is available in the workshop Mon-Fri, between 8am-10am only.


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What are Smart Locks for Homes?

December 13, 2018

When it comes to home security, there are almost always ways that you can improve your property. Taking care to secure your home is one of the most important tasks that you have as a homeowner or renter.
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Why is Time Management Important When Hiring Professional Locksmiths?

December 12, 2018

Have you ever locked yourself outside of your own home? Have you ever felt the crushing anxiety as you realise that you've just locked your keys inside of your own car?
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The Importance of Locks' Upgrade for Newly Renovated Offices

November 21, 2018

As it pertains to renovating an office, no matter the size of your operation or the complexity of your work it is always important to pay attention to your security measures. When performing an office renovation, you have the perfect opportunity to make a direct and immediate impact on the security in your building. One of the easiest ways to improve the security of your employees and property is by upgrading all of the locks in your building while you are renovating.
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Holiday Season Preparedness: Why Residential Locks Should Be Fixed by Professional Locksmiths

November 7, 2018

With the holiday season around the corner, now is the perfect time to start considering giving your home the perfect gift. We are talking about, of course, repaired and improved locks on all of your entrances. Owning a home means that you are going to have to deal with plenty of maintenance issues.
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Rusty and Broken Residential Locks Can Become Threats to Your Safety

October 24, 2018

When you own or rent your own home, taking care to make sure that your security measures are up to par is a responsibility that you need to take seriously. While home burglaries aren't an epidemic of any kind, thousands of break-ins happen every single year and you never know when your home will be the unlucky property that is chosen.
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Different Lock Options for Filing Cabinets and Safes

October 9, 2018

Whether you are trying to secure a little safe in your closet or a section of filing cabinets at your place of work, you need to know that you have a reliable lock option in order to keep your valuables where you left them. Filing cabinets and safes are often overlooked in the locksmithing world but they really shouldn't be. Today, we are going to go over a selection of different lock options for both safes and filing cabinets so that you can secure your possessions in the way that works out best for you.
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Can Transponder Car Keys be Duplicated?

September 26, 2018

Typically, one of the most important purchases in our lives will be that of our automobile. With that being said, we know that we have to do everything possible in order to protect our investment. Not only do we always lock our car doors, but we make sure to even use a car transponder key for added security. A transponder car key is a specialised key that is almost impossible to duplicate. When your car is not started by a key with a transponder in it, the engine will not turn over and the vehicle will not roar to life.
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Reduce the Chance of Being Locked Out Of Your Home

September 12, 2018

When it comes to handling your home security, what can you say that you have done? Home security is incredibly important for a variety of obvious reasons. While most people will reflexively think of advanced camera monitoring systems, sometimes the simplest and most effective way to approach keeping your home safe is by targeting the entrances of your home and the locking mechanisms that they utilise.
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Residential Lock Security: Safety Measures for Your Peace of Mind

August 27, 2018

When you own a home, there is precious little that is more important than making sure both your property and your loved ones are safe and secure. Unfortunately, crime is a facet of life that we cannot ignore and that means that we need to be proactive when it comes to securing our homes against potential problems. Today, we are going to shine a spotlight on the importance of residential lock security.
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Commercial Locks: Safety Measures To Help Secure Your Business

August 14, 2018

Owning your own business can be extremely satisfying, but we all know that owning a business can be stressful as well. Whether you have to reach your bills or budged deadlines or merely run the shop on a day-to-day basis, the stress is going to be there.
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Benefits of Installing Locks for Your Garage Gate

July 27, 2018

As a homeowner, it is your job to make sure that your home is safe and secure. Obviously, most homeowners make sure to install safety locks to both the front and back door of their home. Some homeowners will even move on toward adding window sensors and other such security measures.
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Cabinet and Drawer Locks: Why Businesses Should Give These Importance

July 12, 2018

If you own a business then it is likely that you have, at one time or another, worried about the security of your building. Owning a business can be a stressful way of life but it can also be an enriching one. With that being said, you still have to make sure to put plans into motion in order to protect what you own as well as the employees who help you out.
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Best Practices When Rekeying a Newly Built Home

June 26, 2018

Moving into a newly constructed home can be an exciting prospect. There is something unique and special about being the first people to inhabit a home. With that being said, there are some key privacy and security aspects that routinely get overlooked -- even in a newly constructed home! Here at Altona Locksmiths, we believe in providing our customers with all of the information that they need in order to stay safe and secure in their new home.
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How Do Microchips in Transponder Automotive Keys Work?

June 8, 2018

Taking care of your car or truck is going to be a lifelong endeavour that requires you to focus on not only maintenance but security as well. In order to keep your car safe and secure, you are going to have to embrace new technology that prevents it from being stolen. While most people are familiar with transponder keys, some individuals still do not know how effective they can be.
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Rekeying Business Premises after Construction

May 21, 2018

The process of planning constructing businesses and other commercial spaces is time-consuming. Depending on the size of a building and its intended operations, it can take months or even years before construction is finalised, making it available to be occupied by staff and equipment. Most businesses are unaware of how critical this period is, as this transition period can actually jeopardize the future security of commercial property.
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Most Common Auto Lock Problems

May 7, 2018

Many automotive manufacturers now include auto lock features on their vehicles, like them or not, these are here to stay. While automatic door features are considered a “good” thing, as they are designed to provide better protection against auto theft, when these don’t function properly it can be the cause of much grief.
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Tips to Enhance Your Rental Home Security

April 23, 2018

Feeling safe in one’s home is important, and it should be a top concern for landlords to provide a secure place for renters to live. As a property owner or landlord, making your tenants know that their security is a top priority will not only make them feel safer, but will also attract potential renters. For renters, there are also ways to enhance your rental home security if you feel that your landlord is not providing enough.
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Competitive and Affordable Domestic Locksmith Services in Melbourne

April 10, 2018

While most people don’t think about locksmith services much, it’s true that at some point in time everyone will eventually need the help of a locksmith. No one ever plans to lose the keys to their business, car, or home, but it happens. In fact, after car keys, it is residential keys that get lost most frequently.
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Transponder Key Replacement and Reprogramming Services

March 29, 2018

Years ago, cars were much simpler than they are today. Just place a key into the ignition, then turn it, and the vehicle’s engine would start. Nowadays, nearly everyone owns a car. Unfortunately, stealing cars for profit has increased over time, and that has spurred the need for innovative ways to prevent them from being stolen.
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Rusted Key Locks in Your Home: How Altona Locksmiths Can Help You

March 16, 2018

There are many reasons why the locks or deadbolts in your home may not work. One of the reasons why older locks and deadbolts cease to function and become jammed is rust. When rust takes over a lock, even if you are able to insert your key, you are unable to turn it.
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Business Security in Melbourne: How Locksmiths Can Provide Quality Services

February 28, 2018

Business security in Melbourne is always in demand for office buildings, retail shops, and for all types of commercial business premises. As companies take on more employees and expand their facilities, business security becomes more important. This is because regulating of control access to secure areas of businesses is vital to protect valuable assets.
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Shopping Mall Challenges in Safety and Security: Why Professional Commercial Locksmiths are Needed

February 14, 2018

Shopping malls today face many challenges in regards to safety and security, challenges that can best be handled by professional commercial locksmiths. Large shopping malls typically have theatres, banks, food courts, restaurants, and all types of retail shops under their roofs, all which need to be secured for the sake of both business owners and customers.
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The Importance of Master Key Maintenance System in Buildings and Factories

January 29, 2018

Threats to corporate security are on the rise. As commercial buildings and factories expand and the number of employees increase, so does the demand for better ways to keep them secured. Today, an ordinary key-and-lock system simply just won’t do.
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Automotive Keys and Locks Repair in Melbourne: Mobile and Onsite Services

January 17, 2018

Without a doubt, one of the most frustrating situations to find oneself is on the outside of a locked door of a home or automobile. Finding yourself locked out of your car in an unfamiliar place, or outside of your home late at night, can make matters worse. This is why many people choose to be prepared, just in case.
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