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Key Access and Security Strategy for Commercial Property OwnersDecember 14, 2022

When it comes to maintaining access security, a particular challenge faces commercial property owners and businesses in general, and that challenge is issuing keys to staff members.

One of the most effective methods to better maintain access security is utilising proprietary locks and keys, which cannot be purchased or reproduced at your neighbourhood hardware or big box shop. You can also do several other things to improve access security.

Altona Locksmiths has been in operation for over 20 years and specialises in providing maintenance and repair services for the facilities owned by hundreds of businesses and commercial property owners. We own exclusive and exclusive rights to a large number of restricted and proprietary keyways. Because these keyways were designed specifically for commercial applications, their reliability is maintained for a longer period than is typical, they are more difficult to pick, and access to key duplication is restricted not only by the availability of key blanks but also by key duplication technology.

Our Unrivalled Key Duplication and Locksmith Services

What exactly does this imply about your business property? If your keyways are not proprietary or limited, workers who have been handed keys can go to a hardware store or a big box store and produce a replica of the key there. In a nutshell, even if it is a company policy to collect keys upon the termination of employment, there is no guarantee that additional keys aren't floating around which could compromise different aspects of your security strategy. This is the case even if you have a business policy to collect keys upon the termination of employment.

How Do Proprietary Keyways with Restricted Access Function

 Exclusive dealers are the only ones with access to proprietary or limited access keys, which, in most cases, is a limitation imposed on them by territory and competence. These several kinds of keys each have their unique construction. The key blanks have a strong duty construction, making breaking off in the lock more difficult. Additionally, regular key-cutting machines often cannot reproduce them, and only dealers may purchase them. You can set up a tiered "Master Key Structure" with these types of keyway systems, which means that you can issue keys to employees that only allow access to limited areas, but you can issue "Master Keys" to managers that allow for access to greater areas. Additionally, you can issue keys to employees that only allow access to specific areas. It is possible to configure master key systems with several tiers, which enables an indefinite number of layers of access control to be implemented.

What We Can Do

At Altona Locksmiths, we have expertise in aiding customers with implementing key access security strategies over many years. If a keyway is proprietary or has restricted access, we maintain permanent records of its specific configuration. This allows us to adhere to a duplication approval procedure previously agreed upon in the event a key needs to be copied.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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