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Benefits of Traditional Door Lock Cylinders for Residential PropertiesJune 4, 2019

Whether you own your home or you are renting it, keeping your property secured is important. If you have concerns about the quality of your home's security, you need to head to your front door in order to take a close look at your locking mechanism. Depending on what you see there, it might be time to call in a professional locksmith to help you install a traditional door lock cylinder. If that term isn't familiar to you, then keep on reading. Today, we are going to explain what cylindrical locks are and why you want them on your front door.

Advantages of Traditional Door Lock Cylinders

Spend more than a couple of minutes browsing home security and you'll come across countless products. In fact, your available choices can quickly become overwhelming. While there is value to be had in many of your security options, sometimes sticking to the basics can be the best route to take.

The cylindrical lock, or traditional door lock cylinder, is a type of locking mechanism that is installed directly into your door. Cylindrical locks were first invented in the early 1900s by a man named Walter Schlage. There have been massive improvements over the years, but the simple residential cylinder door lock continues to be touted to this day. The cylindrical lock is comprised of a solid metal piece that attaches one end of your doorknob to the other. What are the benefits of this type of locking mechanism? We're glad that you asked.

1) Simple Installation - Traditional door lock cylinders are easy to install. If you have a pre-drilled door that is ready to be secured, all you have to do is slide the lock into place before securing it with fasteners. That's it. You don't have to drill out a secondary spot like you would with a mortise lock.

2) Style Variety - Just because you are installing a new lock it doesn't mean that you want to give up on your options. You can find traditional door lock cylinders that come in every shape, style, color, and finish possible. You don't have to settle for something boring.

3) Upgraded Security - You can stick to the traditional door lock cylinder or you could consider an upgrade. You can find cylindrical locks in heavy-duty, Anti-theft, residential, and commercial styles.

A traditional door lock cylinder might be all that you need in order to keep your property secure against criminal threats. If you are looking to install new locks or replace your old locks, a traditional cylindrical lock could be the perfect solution for your needs.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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