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Considerations You Should Know About Uniformed Key Locking SystemOctober 26, 2022

Choosing new locks for your house may be exciting, but deciding whether to have them all match can be difficult. Aside from the aesthetics of matching locks, it's the keys that we're most concerned about at the end of the day. There are many different viewpoints on whether all of your locks should match, so the staff at Altona Locksmiths has compiled a list of the advantages to help you decide for yourself.

Saving Money and Time

When you have locks that are compatible with one another, you won't have to waste time searching through a large number of keys before you discover the one you need. This may be a valuable item to have when you get home in the dark or when you're in a hurry to get inside.

You may also save money by obtaining only one key for your locks rather than buying many keys since this will allow you to access all of your locks. When purchasing something straight from a locksmith, this is an excellent choice.

Organized Locking System

If you enjoy having one key to rule them all but don't want everyone else to be able to access all of the different areas of your home, you can always research acquiring a master key. There are several advantages to having a master key. You'll be able to carry fewer keys on your keyring if you use only one key for all of your locks. The fact that many people keep their house keys on the same ring as their car keys might put unnecessary pressure on their vehicle's ignition because of the added weight.

If you are also prone to losing your keys, having just one key for several locks means you will only need to replace the key for one wave. It is also advantageous to have a concealed vital since you will only need to suppress one key to enter your home, rather than having to cover many keys for the various locks throughout your property.

Your Lifestyle Is a Factor

Your way of life and the total number of locks in question are the two most important factors to consider when determining the best course of action for your lock systems. Our enquiry does not have a right or incorrect response. When confronted with the prospect of searching through ten distinct keys each time they need to open anything, some individuals may find that employing a coding system that uses colours or labels makes them feel more secure.

Other individuals favour reducing the number of keys carried on their keychains and may opt to have as many of the locks as possible match one another, again most likely making use of a coding scheme to tell them different from one another. Those who own many properties will benefit the most from using a master key system since it will simplify their lives significantly and save a significant amount of time in today's complex environment.

Please speak with our experts today!

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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