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Customised Restricted Key System: What are the Benefits for Your Business?November 11, 2019

Security is an essential feature in maintaining a good business. By ensuring the protection of your business from intruders and thieves, you will not only prevent crimes and safety breaches, but will also guarantee that your employees will not be placed in any form of danger whatsoever. One way of making sure that this is possible is by incorporating a customised restricted key system.

A customised restricted key system offers a much higher level of security than standard lock and key systems. However, it will significantly increase the cost as expected. If you think about it, incorporating a customised restricted key system will prove itself worth the money in the long run. And below are the uses it can offer.

More Security

A customised restricted key system enables a more advanced security feature. It is significantly harder to pick its locks due to a more complicated structure. Their keys are specifically created with a unique design that is patent protected. Gaining unauthorised entry is close to impossible since the keys can only be copied by authorised individuals. You can easily monitor who gets a copy of the keys since they will not be cut without your authorisation. The intricacies of its design enhance the protection of your business. You will no longer be concerned about breaches brought by stolen, lost and unauthorised copying that normally happens with a standard key system.

Access and Control

If you have to distribute access among certain employees, it is also possible to customise restricted key systems in order to allow different levels of access to different key holders. As such you can simply produce a universal master key wherein you can monitor exactly who has access to which areas of your business at all times. This allows a combination of key management functionality to further improve key control.

Detailed Record

A customised restricted key system enables a detailed record of who has access in your key system. You will always be informed regarding how many copies have been cut, when they were cut, and who gave the authorisation. Since there is a sole locksmith responsible for creating the customised restricted key system, they are able to monitor and keep track of who requested which key, and how many keys are currently in circulation. This enables a quickly audit trail of who is responsible for the loss or which keys are missing.

In order to ensure the utmost protection and security of your business, avail a customised restricted key system from Altona Locksmiths. We are equipped with professional locksmiths that can consult and provide you with a specific design for your security system. We can install and maintain a complex master keying system that allows sophisticated key control throughout entire buildings such as offices and factories. We also cover all types of locks including door locks, padlocks, cupboard locks and locks for cabinets and drawers.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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