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Guide to the Proper Handling of Master KeysApril 28, 2022

The security of most buildings is normally handled by various types of key systems. But since most properties cater to multiple rooms, building owners opt for key systems that maximise master keys.

A master key is essential for property owners since it can access multiple locks within a master key system. A master key system is a key plan that maximises unique keys in opening pre-defined locks. This system then utilises a master key to access all locks. The master key on this system can only be maximised by selected security and building management personnel, ensuring that the premises within the building will remain safe and secure throughout its operations.

When opting for a system with master keys, property owners like you should handle them properly. Here are some things you can do to handle your master key system properly.

Opt for Rekeyable Locks

One thing you can do to handle your master key system is to opt for rekeyable locks. Master keys can be effective in accessing all locks of your property. However, if one of the master key holders lost or misplaced their keys, your building will be vulnerable to security risks. Fortunately, opting for rekeyable locks allows locksmiths to rekey them with a special key. Once all the locks have been rekeyed, they can subsequently distribute new keys to affected key owners. This feature prevents locksmiths from removing all the lock hardware, which can typically take a very long time.

Restrict Master Key Holders

Master keys are meant to be given to people who play a vital role in securing the premises of your building. While many security and building management personnel can be provided with these keys, failure to limit their holders can make your master key system more susceptible to repeated unauthorised access. To avoid compromised security and safety, you must only distribute master keys to people who require high-level access. You may also record their names to easily track them in case of misconduct. Other key holders, alternatively, should possess keys with restricted access. 

Identify Owners of Keys

And speaking of recording key holders, another thing you can do to handle your master key system properly is to adopt a key identification system. This system can help locksmiths track the owners of the keys that have been utilised in opening specific locks. Once a key is lost, locksmiths can immediately identify its owner. The locksmith can then provide a new key to the owner. A key identification system can also help in resolving cases of security breaches. Once an area has been accessed by unauthorised personnel, the locksmith can immediately track the key holder who might be part of the offence.

Some more things that you can do to handle your master keys properly are auditing the keys, adopting restricted key systems, and maximising key tracking software. To help you regulate your master key system, you can contact us at Altona Locksmiths.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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