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Keyed to Differ and Keyed Alike: What are the Pros and Cons?January 31, 2019

Whether you are looking to secure your personal residence or your commercial property, you need to pay attention to your locking mechanisms. While it is obvious that you will want to use high-end locks that are installed by a professional locksmith, there are actually more wrinkles to the discussion on security than you might imagine. Specifically, we are focusing on keyed different vs keyed alike. If you haven't contemplated the differences between keyed different locks and keyed alike locks, or you don't even know the difference, we'll be focusing on distinguishing them today.

Keyed Alike vs. Keyed Different: Pros & Cons
A lock is a lock, right? Well, not exactly. When it comes to securing a lock, you are going to require a physical key. A physical key can open up the lock that corresponds to it, right? Simple enough. However, when we start to discuss keyed alike locks vs keyed different locks, the conversation becomes a bit more nuanced. Let's go ahead and outline the key differences between the two styles below so that we can talk about the pros and cons of each.

1) Keyed Alike Locks - With keyed alike locks, you are getting padlocks that will all open up with the same key. Each lock is specifically tailored to open at the turn of the singular master key.

Benefits: With keyed alike locks, you are getting security in a convenient package. You won't have to hold multiple keys in order to access all of the different locks that you install on your property. Instead, one key will do the trick and that key is known as your Master Key.

Negatives: While convenient, keyed alike locks are less secure than their keyed different counterparts. Keyed alike locks are optimal when locking indoor applications but they are not secure enough for exterior applications.

2) Keyed Different Locks - Keyed differently is the more common option for most people looking to secure their property. With this style of lock, each individual lock will require a specific and unique key in order to access it.

Benefits: Keyed different locks are the most secure option available to you. You'll be able to rest easy knowing that by losing a single key, you won't lose control over all of your other locks.

Negatives: While keyed different locks are more secure, they are also a heavier burden. You'll have to handle multiple keys depending on how many locks you have on your property. This means that you'll need to have a large keyring with you at all times.

Keyed alike and keyed different locks both have their own special applications. No matter how you decide to secure your property, make sure that you have the assistance of a professional locksmith on your side.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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