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Know What's Best for Your Newly Built Commercial Building's SecurityOctober 22, 2019

Security is highly important in a commercial building. It ensures that offices, warehouses, and retail locations can execute their specific functions in an environment free from intruders, trespassers, and burglars. It provides efficiency in business operations, safety of tangible assets, intellectual property, and human life.  Aside from that, a properly maintained commercial building must also guarantee the safety of individuals inside the property. Also, with the advent of technology, it must be made certain that private data remains protected. That is why you must know what’s best for your newly built commercial building’s security.   

Assess the Security Plan

You must first assess the commercial building’s security plan in order to find out what really works for you. Check the details including the keys and access control, lock configurations, and security maintenance. Ensure that the best security programs equipped in your commercial building lies within your budget. In the long run, this will help you keep your commercial building, employees and visitors safe.

Know the Gaps

If your commercial building has previously encountered a break-in, assess the conditions wherein the security system had failed. Develop a new strategy as you relearn the ins and outs of your commercial building. Look for the blind spots and access points that made the break-in possible. If no break-ins were ever recorded, think ahead and strategise as if you were the one planning a break in. In that way, you will be able to avoid further incidents of forced entry and burglary.

You must be able to identify the risks that the commercial building is vulnerable to. For example, financial institutions are susceptible to crimes such as burglary and theft. It is important to be aware of the details so you can be two steps ahead. Evaluate the frequency of the crime especially the time when it is most likely to happen whether daytime, night time or weekends.

Evaluate your Space

To consistently ensure that you are able to safeguard the stability and prosperity of a business premise, you must secure that the possibility of break-ins in the workplace is reduced to none. There are certain restricted security keys that would be able to do the job such as keys to differ, keys alike, Maison key system, mastered key system, grandmaster key system, and temporary construction key system. As you evaluate your workplace, you must know which key system works best for your space.

Consider your Budget

It is important to be aware of the resources available at your disposal most especially your budget. There are certain commercial buildings that are unable to afford expensive security programs. Know what is available for your specific money allocation and avail of the best and most appropriate program for such. With the right materials and proper installation, spending a large sum would not be necessary.

Control Access

Once you have the security program, you must ensure that the access for vital commercial building information is regulated and controlled. In a workplace setup, only employees and staff must have access. However, there are incidents wherein lost keys go unreported. Sometimes, former and terminated employees, or even contractors you’ve had working in your office for a week, still have a key.

In order to avoid unsuccessful security programs, you must instruct those who have access to be responsible enough to report lost or stolen keys. Sometimes, employees are reluctant to report for fear of consequences such as reprimand and replacement costs. In certain instances, misplaced key may unknowingly be the result of theft. Be firm in notifying employees to instantly inform the management should there be lapses in keeping their keys.

Consequently, security measures should be regularly updated. You could have temporary contractors or staff, caterers, repairmen, and unknown people coming in and out of your building on a regular basis. The best way to stay safe is to take precautions.

To ensure what is best for your newly built commercial building security, contact Altona Locksmiths. We provide complex master keying system that allows sophisticated key control throughout entire commercial buildings to fit your needs and preferences.

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