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Lock Snapping: What Is It and How Can It Be Avoided?October 20, 2017

Lock snapping is a method of breaking into houses that burglars use on a regular basis today since it requires little skill. This method is quick, requires only a few tools and it works exceptionally well with the basic Euro cylinder locks that are often on the modern UPVC or composite doors. If homeowners are not aware of the types of locks that they have on their doors, they are at high risk of burglars gaining entrance to their homes and of losing their precious belongings. For this reason, we provide you with further information about this burglary method and how to prevent it here in this information.

Definition of Lock Snapping

Lock snapping is when a burglar uses certain simple tools, such as a hammer and screwdriver, to break off the front part of the lock from the entry door to gain access to its inner locking mechanism. After he or she accomplishes this, it is a simple matter to unlock the lock with just a knife. Since this is so simple to learn how to do, it has become a highly popular method of gaining access to homes, especially those with UPVC or composite doors.

Which Locks Are Most at Risk for Snapping?

The basic versions of the Euro cylinder locks are at the highest risk for lock snapping. These locks are the ones that are typically installed on UPVC or composite doors. They do not offer in-depth security for anyone’s property. Most of the homeowners today are totally unaware of this fact, though, and the fact that they should have a locksmith assess their door locks to ensure that the locks do make it difficult for burglars to perform lock snapping to gain entrance.

How to Prevent Lock Snapping

The best way to prevent burglars from being able to lock snap your lock is to install an anti-snap Euro cylinder lock instead of one of the basic models. While it will cost a bit more to purchase this type of lock, it will prevent burglars from being able to remove the front part of the lock to gain access to your property. In addition, a professional should install the anti-snap lock to ensure that it works properly.

For further details about lock snapping and how to avoid it, contact Altona Locksmiths. We provide a wide assortment of quality locksmith services in the categories of domestic, commercial and even automotive when the need arises. Our experts will guide you to the types of locks that will offer your property the best possible security and the lowest risk of a burglar from being able to lock snap them.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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