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Obtain Optimum Security in Commercial Properties with a Complex Master Keying SystemSeptember 26, 2019

As the property manager or owner of a commercial building, you are directly responsible for keeping the premises secured. When it comes time to secure your building, it is best to leave no stone unturned. For that reason, among others that we will go into, the installation of a master keying system can make a ton of sense. Master keying systems are typically installed by professional locksmiths. Today, we are going to explore the tangible benefits that a master keying system can provide to your commercial property.

Benefits of Master Keying Systems

If you've never heard of a master key system, you've come to the right place. Master key systems traditionally are compared to other hierarchy systems. At the top of the tree, you have your master key. The master key can open the vast majority of doors on the premises. After the master key, you have your sub-keys which can be assigned to work only on specific doors. Having this tiered key system will allow you to control who can access what doors. What are the strict benefits of a master keying system after it has been properly implemented?

1) Tightened Security - A master key system will give you direct control over the entire commercial property that you are maintaining. With the master key solely in the possession of the authorized individual, all other doors can be monitored for security reasons.

2) Flexible Duties - Let us say that you run a business where your managers need secure access, but nobody else does. With your master key system, you can assign a key to your specific manager, thus allowing them access to secured areas of the building. Only you and the other person will have access to those areas, thus allowing you to track responsibility for any potential issues that arise.

3) Employee Accountability - No matter what industry you work in, theft is a reality that you'll have to face. Unfortunately, employee theft is far too common. A master key system allows you to lock down an area in order to prevent potential employee theft. You'll also have a direct line to potential culpability thanks to the hierarchy system that we described above.

A master key system is a unique and simple way to improve the security of your commercial property. From maintaining employee culpability to granting you flexibility with key assignations, your master key system can go a long way toward accomplishing several important tasks. If you are interested in hearing more about commercial master key systems, reach out to our team here at Altona Locksmiths!

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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