The Automotive Locksmith is available in the workshop Mon-Fri, between 8am-10am only.


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Planning on locking yourself out of your vehicle soon?Mar 30, 2014

Automotive locksmithing is a much-needed service. You will quickly find out when you're locked out of your car. Finding the right automotive locksmith can literally mean the difference between life and death. Consider yourself stranded. I know its not the best feeling, but consider that you're stranded outside of your car after unexpectedly locking the keys inside the auto.

If you're stranded in a busy neighbored, along side the road or busy highway having locked yourself out of your car, you will need a lock smith that is quick to reply.

Or what about your home? Have you left a burner running while going to the store? When you realize your you may be burning your home down you rush home only to remember the key to the house is on the counter.

Locksmiths offer a great service for those of us who know what it feels like to be locked out. It's a terrible feeling that only locksmiths can relieve. Our car is a huge investment. We don't want to break windows or damage doors to get inside your car.

Keep you automotive locksmiths phone number close at hand and not in your glove compartment. After all, if you're locked out of your auto, you won't be able to retrieve the number.

Keep your automotive locksmith close to your heart or your pocketbook. Keep close at hand your lock smiths number written on card stock or laminated so it won't get damaged. Keeping the locksmiths number in your pocket book or wallet is a smart idea. You never know when the unexpected will happen.

Remember that many locksmith companies, particular automotive locksmiths found in the phone book are scam artists. Before you take that chance and trust your life with a stranger, make sure you plan ahead of time for the worst possible experience, you're locked out of your car with no recommended locksmith, now that's a shame.

Do your research long before your need for an automotive locksmiths business. Make sure you ask friends, family and co-workers if they know and could recommend a reputable automotive locksmiths company. When they provide their own expertise, take it a step further. You are sure to have several recommendations. The next step is to call the lock smith to ask about their particular policies and procedures in case your worst nightmare comes true.

DO the smart thing and plan ahead of time. You won't be sorry you did.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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