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Top 4 Signs Your Domestic Locksmith is a FraudFebruary 25, 2022

When it comes to lock-related problems, property owners should often contact reputable locksmiths. After all, they are knowledgeable and experienced enough to resolve lock problems. They can likewise handle basic assessment and installation of locks and other accompanying components.

Not all locksmiths, however, can be trusted. Locksmiths who have a healthy amount of credentials are almost guaranteed to provide excellent locksmithing services. Those who do not have one, alternatively, might only pose some security risks to property owners. Now, if you have recently hired a locksmith to service your home property, then you must make sure that they are legitimate. Hiring a fake locksmith, after all, will only make your home property vulnerable to thieves and burglars. 

To verify if your domestic locksmith is a fraud, then you must look for the following signs.

  1. Lack of Credentials

As mentioned earlier, reputable locksmiths are expected to have tons of credentials. Their credentials will be often backed up by certifications and licenses that are related to locksmithing, which are often presented before conducting the locksmith services. Now, if your recently hired locksmith does not show any proof of accreditation or certification, then there is a high chance that you are being scammed. In this case, you must stop communicating with them and find a reputable one.

  1. Strange Behaviour

Reputable locksmiths are trained to provide locksmithing services with a smile on their faces. And most of the time, they will be glad to receive any forms of feedback on the services they have conducted. Your locksmith, however, may be a scam and a fraud if they are behaving strangely during locksmithing. Additionally, they are most probably a fraud if they seem hesitant about their work.

  1. Very Cheap Service

As part of their investment, locksmiths would have to endure several training sessions just to get their needed licenses and certifications. Eventually, they would have to get back their invested resources by charging a reasonable amount of money for their services. Your locksmith, however, may be a fraud if they charge very low service fees and rates. Even though their locksmithing services are significantly more affordable than the rest, you may be falling into their well-crafted trap. You may even be surprised at how their service fees escalate very quickly upon their arrival on your property.

  1. Sluggish Response

Domestic locksmiths who are working with reputable companies are provided with all the necessary things needed for their services. Even service vehicles are provided so they can reach the places of their customers. If your locksmith, however, tends to get to your property a few hours after the agreed time, then they may be lying about their business location. Worse, they have already checked your surroundings for their true evil break-in plan.

If you want to hire a reputable locksmith for your property, you can contact us at Altona Locksmiths. Our qualified locksmiths pride themselves in ensuring your requirements are met from the commencement to completion of your job. Our locksmiths are prompt, professional and friendly. Your priorities always come first because your security and peace of mind is our business.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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