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What are Blocker Plates?July 11, 2017

If you are interested in innovative security products to make your commercial or residential property safer, then Altona Locksmiths can help. We specialise in lock and door hardware that meets the current security demands of commercial and residential properties, and, we have a range of extra security measures that can be installed that are compatible with existing doors and locks, to make any property safer.

One such security device that can make a property more secure is called blocker plates, although small, these can make a huge difference to the security of a premises. The use of blocker plates have been widely accepted in the security industry of late because these add another strong layer of security. However, many property owners and managers are unfamiliar with their use, and still don’t know what blocker plates are.

What are Blocker Plates and the Benefits of Using Them?

Blocker plates increase the security of any premises because they are designed to prevent the manipulation and access to a lock’s bolt or latch that fixes a door securely shut. These devices effectively makes it impossible for would-be burglars to fit a credit card or other object between the door and door frame, to manipulate a lock’s bolt or latch to gain entry. Not surprisingly, but thieves and burglars understand that locks can be manipulated in this way to gain access and will often try to pry back locks and bolts.

The flexibility of blocker plates to be able to fit both open in and open outwards doors, and the various designs and sizes available, these can be effectively installed to protect different kinds of locks, doors, and door frames. For these reasons, and that block plates are very strong because they are designed to resist being pried at, they are now being used more frequently as additional security features in all types of buildings.

If you want to add an extra layer of security to your home or business, by preventing would-be thieves and burglars from gaining entry, by prying open your doors’ lock bolts and latches, then Altona Locksmiths can install blocker plates for you on all entry doors to your building. In fact, we highly recommend the use of blocker plates for all external doors for commercial buildings, as they are more often targeted by burglars than residential properties.

Installing blocker plates require them to be bolted through doors, which provides additional strength to prevent forced entry. The presence of blocker plates also serves as a visual deterrent, causing burglars to seek out an easier target. You can learn more about blocker plates and other security devices here at Altona Locksmiths.

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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