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Why you should invest in a home security systemJune 24, 2014

Have you ever considered investing in some type of protection for your home or mulled over why you should invest in a home security system like most people you know? Are people who install home security systems in their residence just paranoid, or are there real dangers present that you are unaware of? Crime statistics in recent years have revealed very concerning trends in home burglaries across Australia, statistics which most people aren’t aware of.

The Reasons Why you should invest in a Home Security System

According to statistics released in 2010, by the Australian Institute of Criminology, there were a record number of home burglaries between the years of 2009 to 2010. There were more than 350,000 home burglaries across the country during that time period, and the government has given no indication that those numbers are going to be declining. As we wait for updated statistics to be released for 2014 and beyond, you shouldn’t wait and wonder why you should invest in a home security system like most people you know.

Here are some very important reasons why you should invest in a home security system today:

1) Avoid Your House being Burglarized – This is definitely the main reason why most people invest in some type of security system for their homes, it deters criminals from considering your home a potential opportunity to put some money in their pockets. Most home security systems, when they are installed, include flashing light detectors and security sticker that can be readily seen from the outside. Experienced criminals are very familiar with home security systems and know not to risk setting them off; instead they avoid homes with security in place and choose to search out easier prey.

2) Detect Fire and Smoke – Modern home security sensors are now able to double as smoke and fire detectors. Once a fire or break-in is detected, a home security system can automatically notify your security company and they in turn will call the fire and police departments. Home protection systems are great to have installed, especially when you are not home or you are away on holiday. Having a peace of mind that your home is safe when you are away is a big reason why you should invest in a home security system. There is one more reason to consider that will help you make your final decision.

3) Lower Home Insurance Rates – Insurance companies love home security systems so much that they will offer their policy holders a discount off their insurance premiums. It is not unheard of to receive as much as 20 percent discount from insurance premiums for installing a high quality home security system. Which is another compelling reason why you should invest in a home security system for your home?

Altona Locksmiths

15c Slough Road, Altona
Phone: (03) 9315 0522

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